With the new Growing Together Sims 4 Expansion pack about to come out I was so inspired to make a mod that gave Sims the ability to go to other people's houses and babysit/nanny their kids. I know there is already a babysitting career in the game but you can't go with your sim and i thought that was unfortunate. So with this career mod, you can now babysit for some extra money, or you can turn it into a full-time career, and work your way up to the title of a Top-Notch Nanny! I will be updating the mod once the new expansion pack comes out so it will also support infants!
There will be two versions of this game...Base Game, and Base Game + Parenthood EP, The second one adds more fun and variety to the mod. Most of the following screenshots are from the Base Game version so keep that in mind that this is the most basic version, but it was important to me to make this version because i wanted everyone to be able to enjoy it.
If you only want to do a quick babysitting job you can click "Plan a social event" click "Child Care Workday" and continue on with the event as usual. How well you do will determine how well you get paid. It's some good extra money for a teen or adults.

If you want to turn it into a full career. The first thing you want to do is Find a job and choose Child Care Professional. This will help get you started.

Working at the Happy Nanny agency gives you lots of freedom to create your own schedule because you only have to come in once a week to pick up your check the other days you can do as many "Child Care workdays" as you wish. The more you work the more you get paid. You can put them on your calendar if you want to keep a certain schedule.

Even though there is no set schedule you will need to keep up with a minimum amount of Child Care workdays in order to get a promotion.

When starting a childcare workday, make sure you choose the "children" first! this was not an accident putting them in this order. For some reason, the game won't let you continue if you choose the childcare worker (yourself) first.

Make sure all the children you choose are from the same family. Remember this is a babysitting/nanny job, not a daycare. Once you choose the kids you want to watch you can choose to watch them at your house (unless there is a baby then you have to go to their house) or at the house they live in. You should also give your sim the "Always Welcome" trait so they wont have any issues when trying to cook at other sims houses.

Once you get there you will see a few tasks pop up and you can start getting them done.
Some of the tasks will need items to complete them such as "potty train toddler" i suggest bringing things with you or using the "bb.enablefreebuildscheat" while you are on someone else's lot so you can buy things and complete them

Since there is only a limited amount of things to do with babies there will usually only be one goal for babies. I suggest only caring for the baby when they actually need it and spending more time on the toddlers/children so you don't waste that goal so quickly. but it will count for more points since it will usually only show up once.

Depending how well you do will determine how much you get paid and the buffs you get when the workday is done. The better you do the more you get paid.

The career is so fun! Every promotion is very exciting and comes with new things to look forward to. Whether it's a bonus or items to help you with your workdays or even awards and certificates!

As stated before, this is the most basic version of the mod. Each version has more things to look forward to. I thoroughly enjoyed making this mod and I hope you all have fun playing with it!
Parenthood version adds:
new books:

new objectives:

new interactions

Hey everyone !!
Just so you know I have made a few updates to the mod.
1. Some people said they kept getting kicked out of lots during a workday because they were cooking in other people's homes. So i added the "Always Welcome" trait to the first level of the career. so anyone new joining the career will now have it and no longer be kicked out of houses.
2. Some were saying they do more jobs outside of their home so the "Write to-do list" objective was showing up too much. So i lowered the amount that it shows up so you don't have to worry about it when you go to other people's homes since it only works on your own lot.
version 3 update NOW INCLUDES INFANTS!!
There have been some major upgrades. You can now have tasks for infants! I also addressed some issues where people were only getting tasks for toddlers, so now most of the tasks can apply to ALL ages! it wont matter if you have a baby, infant or child you will have a way to complete the tasks. The new version should work for both base game and those who have Parenthood. If people who only have the base game run into any issues please let me know!

You can find the new updated version of the mod here: